Journal Papers
- Compiler-Managed Replication of CUDA Kernels for Reliable Execution of GPGPU Applications, Ercüment Kaya, Işıl Öz, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 33(14), 2450254:1-2450254:33, 2024.
- Quantitative Performance Analysis of BLAS Libraries on GPU Architectures, Işıl Öz, Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Engineering Journal of Science and Engineering, 26(76), 40-48, 2024.
- Teaching Accelerated Computing and Deep Learning at a Large-Scale with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, Bálint Gyires-Tóth, Işıl Öz, Joe Bungo, Journal of Computational Science Education, 14(1), 2023.
- Soft error vulnerability prediction of GPGPU applications, Burak Topçu, Işıl Öz, The Journal of Supercomputing, 79(6), 6965-6990, 2023.
- Performance and accuracy predictions of approximation methods for shortest-path algorithms on GPUs, Busenur Aktılav, Işıl Öz, Parallel Computing, 112, 2022.
- Regional soft error vulnerability and error propagation analysis for GPGPU applications, Işıl Öz, Ömer Faruk Karadaş, The Journal of Supercomputing, 78, 4095–4130, 2022.
- Predicting the Soft Error Vulnerability of Parallel Applications Using Machine Learning, Işıl Öz, Sanem Arslan, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 49, 410–439, 2021.
- Scalable parallel implementation of migrating birds optimization for the multi-objective task allocation problem, Dindar Öz, Işıl Öz, The Journal of Supercomputing, 77, 2689–2712, 2021.
- A user-assisted thread-level vulnerability assessment tool, Işıl Öz, Haluk Rahmi Topcuoglu, Oguz Tosun, Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 31(13), 2019.
- A Survey on Multithreading Alternatives for Soft Error Fault Tolerance, Işıl Öz, Sanem Arslan, ACM Computing Surveys, 52(2), 27:1-27:38, 2019.
- Regression-Based Prediction for Task-Based Program Performance, Işıl Öz, Muhammad Khurram Bhatti, Konstantin Popov, Mats Brorsson, J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 28(4), 1950060:1-1950060:30, 2019.
- Locality-aware task scheduling for homogeneous parallel computing systems, Muhammad Khurram Bhatti, Işıl Öz, Sarah Amin, Maria Mushtaq, Umer Farooq, Konstantin Popov, Mats Brorsson, Computing, 100(6), 557-595, 2018.
Conference Papers
- Community Detection for Large Graphs on GPUs with Unified Memory, Emre Dinçer, Işıl Öz, IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference (HPEC), 2024.
- Evaluating CUDA-Aware Approximate Computing Techniques, Işıl Öz, Workshop on Resource AWareness of Systems and Society (RAW), 2024.
- Performance-Reliability Tradeoff Analysis for Safety-Critical Embedded Systems with GPUs, Yağızcan Sezgin, Işıl Öz, Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı (BAŞARIM), 2024.
- GPPRMon: GPU Runtime Memory Performance and Power Monitoring Tool, Burak Topçu, Işıl Öz, Workshop on Resource AWareness of Systems and Society (RAW), co-located with International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2023.
- Adopting Heterogeneous Computing Modules: Experiences from a ToUCH Summer Workshop, David P. Bunde, Kishwar Ahmed, Sridevi Ayloo, Tisha Brown-Gaines, Joel Fuentes, Vishwesh Jatala, Ruth Kurniawati, Isil Öz, Apan Qasem, Philip J. Schielke, Mary C. Tedeschi, Thomas Y. Yeh, Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)@ International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), 2022.
- Predicting the Soft Error Vulnerability of GPGPU Applications, Burak Topçu, Işıl Öz, Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), 2022.
- Performance Evaluation of CUDA Optimizations for Convolution Operations, Burak Topçu, Işıl Öz, Ulusal Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Konferansı (BAŞARIM), 2022.
- Evaluating Performance and Reliability of Selective Redundant Multithreading for GPGPU Applications, Ercüment Kaya, Ömer Faruk Karadaş, Işıl Öz, Workshop on Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society, COST Action CA19135 (CERCIRAS), 2021.